
When the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meet for their sixteenth meeting (COP16) in Colombia's city of Cali in October 2024, they will face the vital task of accelerating international action to tackle biodiversity loss.

With 56 active armed conflicts in the world, the most since World War II, and increasing interaction between nature conservation and conflict, it is imperative that this COP begins to address the relationships between nature, peace and conflict.

These policy priorities were drafted by Peace@CBD, a voluntary community of NGOs, institutions, and individuals. The group has been meeting regularly since COP15 in December 2023, identifying opportunities for shared messaging and action.

Estas prioridades políticas fueron redactadas por Peace@CBD, una comunidad voluntaria de ONG, instituciones y particulares. El grupo se ha reunido periódicamente desde la COP15 de diciembre de 2023, identificando oportunidades para compartir mensajes y acciones.

If you’d like to endorse the paper and add your logo, please send an email to

Si desea apoyar este documento y añadir su logotipo, envíe un correo electrónico a

The Peace@CBD community has created a communications toolkit that you are welcome to use before and during COP16.

Events and activities at COP16

The below events are hosted by members of the Peace@CBD collective, as well as external institutions, organizations, and individuals. This list serves as a round-up of peace-related activities at CBD. You can email to request additions.

All times listed are local to Cali, Colombia.

14-18 October - Global Green Growth Week (learn more here)

19-20 October - Pre-COP Youth Summit

24 October, 1:20pm - Challenges and opportunities of managing protected and conserved areas to promote environmental peacebuilding, hosted by CBD, Humboldt, CAPAZ (learn more here)

24 October, 4:30pm - Peace processes and environment: contributions and challenges from an integral perspective, Norway, Switzerland, Germany and Colombia , hosted by OCCP (learn more here)

24 October, 6pm - Action for Peace and Biodiversity, hosted by CBD (learn more here)

24 October, 6:30-8:30pm - BCSC Cali 2024: Harmonizing biodiversity and climate action with a peace lens at COP16, hosted by German Federal Foreign Office and adelphi (learn more here)

29 October, 8-8:45am- Exploring the global nexus of biodiversity loss, climate change and conflict: Towards Sustainable Solutions, hosted by Peace@CBD members (learn more here)

29 October, 11-11:45am - Knowledge Exchange: Peace with Nature, hosted by Peace@CBD members (learn more here)

29 October, 2-2:45pm - Inclusive Conservation: Key for Advancing Peacebuilding and Social Cohesion in the Global South, hosted by Peace@CBD members (learn more here)

29 October, 4-6pm - Biodiversity, Land Use Change and the Implications for Conflict in Latin America, hosted by SIPRI, FES, SIANI (learn more here)

29 October - Event hosted by the Climate Security Mechanism (details TBC)

31 October - Event hosted by the Global Green Growth Initiative (details TBC)

On 12 September, Peace@CBD presented our policy priorities online.

On 12 September, the Colombian Ministry of Environment hosted the Peace@CBD community for a webinar to articulate policy priorities for CBD COP16.